Thursday, July 2, 2009


In the dead winter nights, deep into the third year of a war that will decimate your world, you manage to slip away from the crowded death march you've been forced into. You can hear the guards behind you, and their dogs scent your tracks even in the dark. Somehow you've managed to spirit away a small blade and a few tiny rations. As you head into the mountains, you wonder how you'll survive the elements and man's own cruelty to his fellow man.

Executive summary: You will, as the main character, attempt to avoid detection by the authorities that pursue you through a vast, tractless mountain range. Cover your footsteps and learn to wait in silence while your potential captors pass within inches of you. Armed only with meager rations and a small hunting knife, you will kill game and keep yourself warm through the harsh winter months as you seek your own freedom.

The ultimate stealth game is one played not as the pursuer, but as the pursued.